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Szablon:Woźniak (2019, MaPS)


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Linia 1: Linia 1:
Woźniak Marek, Gałązka‐Friedman Jolanta, Duda Przemysław, Jakubowska Martyna, Rzepecka Patrycja, Karwowski Łukasz, (2019), '''Application of Mössbauer spectroscopy, multidimensional discriminant analysis, and Mahalanobis distance for classification of equilibrated ordinary chondrites''', ''Meteoritics & Planetary Science'', vol. 54(8), 2019, s. 1828-1839.<ref>'''Abstract:''' Mössbauer spectra of equilibrated ordinary chondrites consist of two doublets due to paramagnetic iron present in olivines and pyroxenes and two sextets due to magnetically ordered iron present in metallic phases and troilite. The spectral areas of the different mineralogical phases found by Mössbauer spectroscopy in meteorites are proportional to the number of iron atoms in this mineralogical phase. This property of Mössbauer spectra can be the basis for constructing a method for the classification of ordinary chondrites. This idea was first explored at the Mössbauer Laboratory in Kanpur. This group suggested a qualitative method based on 2‐dimensional plots of Mössbauer spectral areas and thus classified properly some meteorites. We constructed a quantitative method using [össbauer_spectroscopy '''M'''össbauer spectral areas], [ '''m'''ultidimensional discriminant analysis], and [łość_Mahalanobisa '''M'''ahalanobis distance] ('''4M&nbsp;method''') to determine the probability of a [ '''m'''eteorite] to be of type&nbsp;H, L, or LL. Based on 59 Mössbauer spectra, we calculated by the 4M&nbsp;method, '''S<sub>cluster</sub>''', the ''level of similarity'' of the {{Link-MBD|code=34019|name=Goronyo}} meteorite to the clusters. On the plot of ferrosilite versus fayalite, the point representing Goronyo is located on the border between H and L areas. Calculated by the 4M&nbsp;method, the meteorite Goronyo is 32% similar to type&nbsp;H, 75% to type&nbsp;L, and 11% to type&nbsp;LL. Additional mineralogical analyses suggested that the Goronyo meteorite would be classified as type&nbsp;L, although it was originally reported as type&nbsp;H in the Meteoritical Bulletin Database. Więcej → – [ Metoda 4M (''4M method'')]</ref> Plik {{!doi|10.1111/maps.13314}}.<noinclude>
Woźniak Marek, Gałązka‐Friedman Jolanta, Duda Przemysław, Jakubowska Martyna, Rzepecka Patrycja, Karwowski Łukasz, (2019), '''Application of Mössbauer spectroscopy, multidimensional discriminant analysis, and Mahalanobis distance for classification of equilibrated ordinary chondrites''', ''Meteoritics & Planetary Science'', vol. 54(8), 2019, s. 1828-1839 ({{!abs-ilink|:Szablon:Woźniak (2019, MaPS)}}).<ref>'''Abstract:''' Mössbauer spectra of equilibrated ordinary chondrites consist of two doublets due to paramagnetic iron present in olivines and pyroxenes and two sextets due to magnetically ordered iron present in metallic phases and troilite. The spectral areas of the different mineralogical phases found by Mössbauer spectroscopy in meteorites are proportional to the number of iron atoms in this mineralogical phase. This property of Mössbauer spectra can be the basis for constructing a&nbsp;method for the classification of ordinary chondrites. This idea was first explored at the Mössbauer Laboratory in Kanpur. This group suggested a&nbsp;qualitative method based on 2‐dimensional plots of Mössbauer spectral areas and thus classified properly some meteorites. We constructed a&nbsp;quantitative method using [össbauer_spectroscopy '''M'''össbauer spectral areas], [ '''m'''ultidimensional discriminant analysis], and [łość_Mahalanobisa '''M'''ahalanobis distance] ('''4M&nbsp;method''') to determine the probability of a&nbsp;[ '''m'''eteorite] to be of type&nbsp;H, L, or LL. Based on 59 Mössbauer spectra, we calculated by the 4M&nbsp;method, '''S<sub>cluster</sub>''', the ''level of similarity'' of the {{Link-MBD|code=34019|name=Goronyo}} meteorite to the clusters. On the plot of ferrosilite versus fayalite, the point representing Goronyo is located on the border between H and L areas. Calculated by the 4M&nbsp;method, the meteorite Goronyo is 32% similar to type&nbsp;H, 75% to type&nbsp;L, and 11% to type&nbsp;LL. Additional mineralogical analyses suggested that the Goronyo meteorite would be classified as type&nbsp;L, although it was originally reported as type&nbsp;H in the Meteoritical Bulletin Database;<br />patrz → [[Acta Soc. Metheor. Polon./Artykuły|Woźniak et&nbsp;al. (2020, ASMP)]] oraz [[Hyperfine Interactions/Artykuły|artykuły w ''Hyperfine Interactions'']]; więcej → – [ Metoda&nbsp;4M (''4M&nbsp;method'')] {{SeparatorBull}} [ Metoda 4M – formularz]</ref> Plik {{!doi|10.1111/maps.13314}}.<noinclude>
=== Ilustracje ===
Więcej → – [ Metoda 4M – 4M-BASE-v2n], [ 4M-BASE-vmax].<br />
(Chondryty zwyczajne typu H (<font color="#0000CC">■</font>), L (<font color="#FF0000">♦</font>), LL (<font color="#00FF00">●</font>). Wykresy sporządzony w&nbsp;pakiecie statystycznym&nbsp;R)
<gallery caption="" widths="240px" heights="240px" perrow="3">
File:4M-BASE_2D_met-ol-names.png|Oliwin ''vs.'' metal (4M-BASE-vmax)
File:4M-BASE_2D_met-pyr-names.png|Piroksen ''vs.'' metal (4M-BASE-vmax)
File:4M-BASE_pairs.png|Wykres ''wszyscy-ze-wszystkimi'' (''pairs'') <br />(4M-BASE-vmax)
File:4M-BASE_voronoi001.png|''Voronoi diagrams''. Wykres zainspirowany opisywanymi w&nbsp;literaturze pomysłami prostego podziału przestrzeni cech na rozłączne obszary zawierające meteoryty tylko jednego typu
File:4M-BASE_ternary.png|Wykres trójkątny (''ternary plot'') na którym doskonale widać potencjał dyskrymina­cyj­ny parametrów mössbau­erow­skich
File:4M-BASE_box.png|Wykresy ''box and whisker'' - wykresy pudełkowe i&nbsp;wąsy podsumowują rozkład danego parametru; pokazują ramkę dla 1 i&nbsp;3 kwartyla, linię w ramce (?!) dla 50. centyla (medianę) i&nbsp;kropkę dla średniej. Wąsy pokazują 1,5&nbsp;×&nbsp;wysokość prostokąta (zwanego przedziałem między kwartylami, ''interquartile range'', IQR), co wskazuje oczekiwany zakres danych, a&nbsp;wszelkie dane poza tymi wąsami są uznawane za wartości odstające i&nbsp;oznaczone kropką
File:4M-BASE_PCA-norm001.png|Analiza głównych składowych (''Principal Component Analysis, PCA'')
File:4M-BASE_pie.png|Weryfikacja, zbiór testowy ≡ zbiór uczący
File:4M-BASE_cluster_complete.png|Wykres aglomeracyjny (analiza skupień, ''cluster analysis'') na którym widać potencjał dyskrymina­cyj­ny parametrów mössbauerowskich
Linia 5: Linia 25:
* – [ Metoda 4M (''4M method'')]. Zastosowanie spektroskopii Mössbauera, wielowymiarowej analizy dyskryminacyjnej i odległości Mahalanobisa do klasyfikacji zrównoważonych chondrytów zwyczajnych (''Application of Mössbauer spectroscopy, multidimensional discriminant analysis, and Mahalanobis distance for classification of equilibrated ordinary chondrites'')
* – [ Metoda 4M (''4M method'')]. Zastosowanie spektroskopii Mössbauera, wielowymiarowej analizy dyskryminacyjnej i odległości Mahalanobisa do klasyfikacji zrównoważonych chondrytów zwyczajnych (''Application of Mössbauer spectroscopy, multidimensional discriminant analysis, and Mahalanobis distance for classification of equilibrated ordinary chondrites'')
* Wikipedia – [łównych_składowych Analiza głównych składowych] {{SeparatorBull}} [ń Analiza skupień] {{SeparatorBull}} [ Diagram Woronoja]
* Wikipedia (EN) – [ Ternary plot]
[[Category:Bibliografia (szablony)|{{PAGENAME}}]]
[[Category:Bibliografia (szablony)|{{PAGENAME}}]]

Aktualna wersja na dzień 19:14, 22 gru 2024

Woźniak Marek, Gałązka‐Friedman Jolanta, Duda Przemysław, Jakubowska Martyna, Rzepecka Patrycja, Karwowski Łukasz, (2019), Application of Mössbauer spectroscopy, multidimensional discriminant analysis, and Mahalanobis distance for classification of equilibrated ordinary chondrites, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, vol. 54(8), 2019, s. 1828-1839 (abstrakt).[1] Plik doi.


Więcej → – Metoda 4M – 4M-BASE-v2n, 4M-BASE-vmax.
(Chondryty zwyczajne typu H (), L (), LL (). Wykresy sporządzony w pakiecie statystycznym R)


  1. ^ Abstract: Mössbauer spectra of equilibrated ordinary chondrites consist of two doublets due to paramagnetic iron present in olivines and pyroxenes and two sextets due to magnetically ordered iron present in metallic phases and troilite. The spectral areas of the different mineralogical phases found by Mössbauer spectroscopy in meteorites are proportional to the number of iron atoms in this mineralogical phase. This property of Mössbauer spectra can be the basis for constructing a method for the classification of ordinary chondrites. This idea was first explored at the Mössbauer Laboratory in Kanpur. This group suggested a qualitative method based on 2‐dimensional plots of Mössbauer spectral areas and thus classified properly some meteorites. We constructed a quantitative method using Mössbauer spectral areas, multidimensional discriminant analysis, and Mahalanobis distance (4M method) to determine the probability of a meteorite to be of type H, L, or LL. Based on 59 Mössbauer spectra, we calculated by the 4M method, Scluster, the level of similarity of the Goronyo meteorite to the clusters. On the plot of ferrosilite versus fayalite, the point representing Goronyo is located on the border between H and L areas. Calculated by the 4M method, the meteorite Goronyo is 32% similar to type H, 75% to type L, and 11% to type LL. Additional mineralogical analyses suggested that the Goronyo meteorite would be classified as type L, although it was originally reported as type H in the Meteoritical Bulletin Database;
    patrz → Woźniak et al. (2020, ASMP) oraz artykuły w Hyperfine Interactions; więcej → – Metoda 4M (4M method)  ●  Metoda 4M – formularz

Linki zewnętrzne

  • – Metoda 4M (4M method). Zastosowanie spektroskopii Mössbauera, wielowymiarowej analizy dyskryminacyjnej i odległości Mahalanobisa do klasyfikacji zrównoważonych chondrytów zwyczajnych (Application of Mössbauer spectroscopy, multidimensional discriminant analysis, and Mahalanobis distance for classification of equilibrated ordinary chondrites)